Who needs a Fuji x100 vi?
Who Needs a Fuji X100 VI?
WIth all of the global hype around the newly released Fuji x100 VI, I recently had a chance reinforce to myself the rule that “it’s not the camera it’s the photographer.” In photography, it’s very easy to get obsessed with gear (by the way, I’m not immune to it). Last week, I had only had access to my oldest camera - a Ricoh GR Digital 2 (GRD2). I bought it in 2007 (17 years ago at the time I’m writing this). It is full of “flaws” by today’s standards (and even back in 2007 there were much better cameras). It’s very slow (both in operation and focus), it’s noisy even at the lowest ISO, it’s only 10MP and it’s not particularly sharp. That said, cameras are just tools. Skill, experience and creativity are what make great photos. Below are photos I took last week during my commute to Brooklyn. I wouldn’t call these my best shots but they are a great example of how an old camera can still be very relevant if you focus on images and not gear.

Holidays, 2023
Christmas in New York, 2023
Photos from the 2023 Holiday Season. This time of year is just magical in New York City.

Black Reflection
Black Reflection
When I took this shot, it was all about the woman holding the subway door and the other passenger’s reactions. Then I noticed this shadow….
Shadows: Signs of Fall
Shadows: Signs of Fall
As we head into October, the signs of Fall (from a photography perspective) are starting to show. The shadows are getting longer and the light is getting more dramatic.
Summer in the City
View from Brooklyn Bridge Park
The summer is winding down. The time just flew by. Here’s a shot from Brooklyn Bridge Park.
East Broadway F Train Platform
East Broadway F Train Platform
This station has a nice curve that makes for great lines. I used a wide angle lens and camera with image stabilization and got the shutter speed down to 1/9th second. It’s not perfectly sharp but I think the motion blur and how all the passengers are exiting in synchrony makes this a great shot.
The Naked Cowgirl
The Naked Cowgirl
Years ago, on the evening of December 30, 2012, I took a photo of The Naked Cowgirl in Times Square. At the time, I had heard of The Naked Cowboy but had never of The Naked Cowgirl. It was quite the sight to see a woman wearing a white string bikini in the dead of winter, while others were wearing down jackets. It was a decent shot where I manage to capture some great facial expressions of on-lookers. Fast forward to last week and I ran into The Naked Cowgirl in Times Square. We had become friends on Instagram a few months back so this time I introduced myself. It was such a pleasure to meet her. Eleven years later (wow - time flies!) and she’s still rockin’ a bikini.
Sunday Afternoon on the Subway
Couple on the Subway, Summer 2023
It’s hot. It’s humid. It’s uncomfortable as hell. Welcome to summer in NYC. This shot was taken this past Sunday. Not sure where this couple is going but I got a “coming home from vacation vibe” when you’re tired and just want to get home. This shot looks great in black and white as well but color gives it a lot of depth. Someone even asked my if this was a AI generated shot - which I think is a compliment?
Grand Central Terminal
Man in Grand Central Terminal
Grand Central is a great place to shoot, especially when the light is right. I’ve taken hundreds of shots here and this is one of my favorites. The man walking away from the light, the motion blur - it just works. This was taken in December of 2007 - before everyone had their faces buried in phones. It was taken using a film rangefinder and today I got around to doing a high-res scan (much better than the scan I got from the lab).
Black and White Hands
Black and White Hands
One thing I love about the subway is that it’s great equalizer. No special treatment. Rich or poor, white or black, gay or straight - we’re all on the same ride together.